Dharma School Course

Meeting the need of our times — an introduction to dharma + why it matters

Dharma School Retreat: May 25-29, Lake Oswego, Oregon

With the beautiful backdrop of Oswego Lake, join us as your guides to advance your understanding of your personal dharma to find more alignment, meaning and purpose in all that you do. You’ll gain a variety of insights and tools to help you awaken and energize your signature calling in this unprecedented time.

We currently have 2 non-resident spots available; resident spots are sold out

Next Steps

Below you will find a few supportive resources to help you continue the work. If either of us can be of any support moving forward, please let us know!

Reading Recommendations

  • The Bhagavad Gita, translation by Eknath Easwaran

  • The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope

Discerning Your Dharma - reflection prompts

  • What lights you up right now (ie, what’s exciting and joyful to you)?

  • What pursuits do you feel drawn to, fascinated by, or energized by?

  • Is there a greater vision calling to you?

Class Description

“Dharma gives us the one thing we need to be fully human: Each of us must have one domain, one small place on the globe where we can fully meet life – where we can meet it with every gift we have. One small place where, through testing ourselves, we can know the nature of life, and ultimately know ourselves. This domain, this one place that is uniquely ours, is our work in the world.
– from “The Great Work of Your Life” by Stephen Cope

We live in increasingly chaotic times. Day after day, the stability of the world seems to be crumbling under our feet. Some of that change feels welcome and overdue, but much of it can leave us feeling confused and overwhelmed about what to do. 

Dharma teaches us that we have far more agency than we know. Each and every one of us holds the power to transform the suffering in the world. Dharma isn’t about your job or vocation – it’s about how you show up authentically in any given moment, aligned with your highest self and ultimately in service to all. Dharma isn’t about striving to do more or be better – it’s about releasing what isn’t yours so you can dial up who you really are and what you are here to do!

If you seek more meaning in your life and carry a wish inside you for a better world, join us on this FREE 75-minute call to learn more about this thing called dharma and why the world needs you to meet life with every gift that you already have. 

Is this class for you?

  • Are you dedicated to the service of others?

  • Are you someone who is living your life with intention and actively feeling into your higher purpose?

  • Do you feel a mix of responsibility for the work you're called to do?

  • Are you someone who wants to use your life for something that feels bigger than you?

What you’ll learn:

  • What is Dharma?

  • What is the need of the times?

  • The Intersection: the Gift and the Need

  • How to begin discerning + dialing up your Dharma

  • A special invitation to go deeper with Andrea and Kristin at our annual Dharma School retreat

This class was originally recorded on April 24, 2023.